Saturday, October 31, 2020

Happy Halloween 2020!


And that's a wrap!

Halloween is here! Thank you to everyone who visited my blog this season. I very much appreciate each and every reader. Please let me know in the comments what you liked, what you didn't, and what you'd like to see in the future.

I won't tell you what a terrible year this has been, you already know. It's times like these that holidays such as Halloween are even more important, as they give us the joy we need to overcome life's adversities and remind us what is important: family, friends, and love. I wish that for you this Halloween and every day thereafter!

Happy Halloween!

On to November!


  1. Wow, somehow I managed to miss some of your posts this season. I see a lot I need to go back and read/watch. Thanks for blogging this month. It's been fun!

  2. And oh yeah, I love that drawing at the top from Alan Ormsby's classic "Movie Monsters Monster Makeup & Monster Shows to Put On".

  3. Thanks Tom! My archives are there anytime you want to read. Thank you for your support, and I hope you had a happy Halloween!
