Sunday, November 25, 2007

Gimbel's Christmas Commercials from 1983

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Now the holiday season has officially begun! This is my absolute favorite time of year, and I've amassed some really cool holiday treats for everyone to enjoy throughout the season, so let's get right to it.

First up: two nostalgic commercials for those who fondly remember Gimbel's department store. Although they were a national chain, as a kid I thought they were a Philadelphia institution. They were the original sponsors of Philadelphia's Thanksgiving Day Parade, the oldest in the nation, and as sponsors, they had plenty of commericals for Gimbel's Black Friday sales, two of which are featured here. 'Tis the season!

A hundred bucks for a Walkman? Ouch!


  1. that's funny... I was an elf in a Gimbels commercial in the early 80's. Where did you find this, and do you have more? I'd love to find my commercial and show it to my daughter.

  2. I just did some trolling around on YouTube and there they were. These were the only Christmas Gimbel's commercials I found, unfortunately. Keep searching every once in awhile, you never know when stuff like this will turn up. Thanks for viewing, and stay tuned!
