Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Kingdom of Could Be You

Back on March 5, I wrote an article on the 1970s animated educational TV series The Most Important Person (a still picture from that series is now my Blogger profile icon). The program was designed to teach social skills to young children. The organization that created the series was named Sutherland Learning Associates, which also created another animated series, The Kingdom of Could Be You.

In this program, a wizard would take a group of children (who looked remarkably like the children from The Most Important Person) to the magical kingdom called "Could Be You," where the children would see and learn about the different careers they could have when they became adults. Just like The Most Important Person, these three-minute cartoons were shown between longer-form children's programming on independent TV stations around the country, most notably those owned by the Field Communications Group (WFLD Channel 32 in Chicago, WKBS Channel 48 here in Philadelphia) as well as WPIX Channel 11 in New York City.

Here now for you Generation X'ers out there are two examples of The Kingdom of Could Be You!

Speaking of Field Communications, this weekend I'll be espousing on their Philadelphia station, WKBS Channel 48, which was an institution here until...well, find out this weekend. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. I remember channel 48. Captain Philadelphia and Stu Nahan. Can still hear the jingle.Dadada-dadada,dadada,dadada..
