--Happy Birthday to me! Yep, today's my birthday, 34 years and counting, and I'm having a great day thanks to my family, who of course are the best gift of all!
--I'd like to thank all of my regular readers out there who are kind enough to link me on their own sites. Thanks to Todd Mason of the Sweet Freedom blog, Karswell at The Horrors of It All, Rich Dart of Dartman's World of Wonder, Dave at the Mostly Ghostly and Children's Records blogs, Rokk Krinn at the Comic Book Revolution, Lady Tink at Up Close and Personal, the King of Jingaling at Fa La La La La, and to anyone else who I may have missed. I appreciate the traffic that comes my way thanks to you guys!
--Speaking of blogs that link to mine, The Pop Culture Holiday Blog is back! Not that it ever went away, but it hasn't had a new post since St. Patrick's Day. It's back as of September 22nd, and it's already started featuring Halloween posts. Do yourself a favor and check it out in my blog list. And speaking of Halloween...
--I begin my Halloween programming next Sunday! Starting October 5th, this blog will be wall to wall Halloween, except for the Saturday Matinee, which will wrap up the Batman serial (Batman's kinda Halloween-like anyway, so it fits). I've been gathering clips since August, and I can't wait to share them all with you. I hope to increase the number of posts here in order to showcase all the fun, so please stay tuned throughout the month for awesome Halloween goodness!
In fact, this blog is going to be feature almost nothing but holiday fare for the rest of the year. I may take a break for more general post topics the first week or two of November, then get back into the holiday swing of things with Thanksgiving and then, of course, Christmas. It's going to be great!
Thanks again to everyone who enjoys this blog. Please, please, contact me at phillyradiogeek@gmail.com or leave a comment on any post. See you later!
Looking forward to your holiday posts and come collect your birthday wishes!