Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Holy crap! I got mentioned in the Guardian!

I was checking my blog stats yesterday and noticed that I had over 120 hits on Halloween, much to my surprise. I thought people would be much too busy to read many blogs on that day. I then noticed that I had quite a number of hits from England on this one day, which I also found odd. Then I noticed why.

The Guardian is a long running and well established newspaper and Web site in the UK. In their Technology section, they gave a shout-out to my blog in an Internet reviews column. Awesome! Thanks to column author Johnny Dee for highlighting my site. Read the column here!

On, one more thing:



  1. Congrats!

    I have a question. How do you check your blog stats?

  2. Thanks Erik! I use a service called Statcounter, which operates my counter you see on the right of the blog. It's free, and it tracks how many hits your site gets for the most recent 500 hits you receive.
