Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sonic Weapon Fence: LOST Tribute Band

Since this has turned into an unofficial Lost Week here at the blog, I'll keep it going. Today I want to bring your attention to a cool band called Sonic Weapon Fence, which performs songs in tribute to Lost. Their first EP The Oceanic Six is available for free download at their site here. I downloaded it last year and it's been on my mp3 player ever since. They now also have a second collection of songs available for purchase at iTunes and CD Baby. Their songs are clever, fun, and tongue-in-cheek. Check them out; you'll be glad you did!


  1. We're also posting alternate recordings of a lot of our songs (live, demos, etc.) and even a few new songs for free in our Alternate Timeline section.

    That's for the kind words!


  2. Thanks guys! Happy to do it. We have to get you out to Philly!
