Today I offer yet another animated TV special based on a popular comic strip. A Doonesbury Special first aired on NBC on November 27, 1977, and would be nominated for an Oscar for Best Animated short the next year. It hits the major themes of the strip at the time and, like the strip itself, is quite different from other comic strip specials before or since. Sit back, click on the link below, and enjoy the 25-minute ride. Thanks!
A Doonesbury Special
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The Thudpucker music isn't quite as bad imitation Phil Ochs as I remember, but still, too much of it. Can't find much of either of the POGO animatins online anywhere (neither the clay nor the drawn-cell).
ReplyDeleteThe Jane March-hosted INTERNATIONAL ANIMATION FESTIVAL series on PBS...did you ever have the pleasure? I dates from the same period as the DOONESBURY, so no chance you saw it new, as I did...I haven't seen it since it wasn't yet very old
Ha...Jane March was barely born when the series was on...Jean Marsh, of course (I can only partially blame tired eyes there).