Friday, January 7, 2011

Masters of the Universe Artwork

I've only mentioned once before on the blog my love of the Masters of the Universe toy line and animated series, so it's high time I did it again.

I love the Masters of the Universe toy line and animated series.

There.  Done.

I also love scouring the Internet and finding cool artwork related to and inspired by the series.  Here are a few examples I have stored away.

This is an awesome painting by the legendary Earl Norem. I love how the sky is bright over the good guys and not-so-much over the bad guys. This image makes for great desktop wallpaper!

This is a photo of a battle display using recreations of the classic toys made by  They look just like the original Mattel toys--only awesomer!

Here is another depiction of the characters in battle by great comic book artist Frank Quitely. I don't know what he did this for, but I'd love to see a Masters comic drawn by him!

Aww, look at the cute widdle He-Man defeating cute widdle Skeletor!  Think Robert E. Howard meets Xavier Roberts.

Ya know, even two evil masterminds need time to cuddle once in awhile, understand?

Well, I don't know what's more disturbing:  the obvious, or what's happened to poor Battle Cat?

Finally, here is a Bollywood film featuring a stage show putting on a He-Man spectacle.  Kinda weird, but also kinda cool!



  1. I can still remember the first time I saw Masters of the Universe figures in a Toys R Us. My first thought was: "These guys can kick my Star Wars dude's asses!"

    The Qubo channel plays Masters of the Universe every night after midnight . . . which is nice to know that for someone like me (who has no cable) that there is something good on after midnight.

    I think the Quietly piece is my favorite.

  2. Thanks Steeven! I do have cable, and the system carries at least some (but not all) over-the-air DTV sidebands, so I'll check if Qubo is on it. If so, that's one for the DVR.
