Monday, July 18, 2011

Dancin' On Air Retrospective This Saturday July 23rd!

Hey there!  Sorry for the extreme lack of regular blogging, but I'm afraid the blog tends to be a casualty of the summer season every year.  This, however, is well worth blogging about, at least for my fellow Philly residents.

WPHL-TV Channel 17 will be showing a brand new retrospective on the 80s local dance show Dancin' On Air this Saturday, July 23rd in two parts, from 8 to 10pm and 11pm to 1am later that night.  I've discussed Dancin' On Air before in what became one of my most popular posts ever, so if you haven't heard of the series before, please check that article out.  Get out your hair mousse and get ready to dance, my Philly peeps!

Check out some great video of the show at the station's Web site here.  Thanks!


  1. Just lovin the show brings back alot of memories of being on the show in 1986!!!!

  2. Diane: if you've got great memories, share them here! I'd love to feature them.

  3. My wife and I caught up with the Dancin' on Air marathon Saturday. Lots of fun busting on the fashions, and hearing songs we hadn't heard in a long time. Let's home PHL continues to air more episodes!

    Read my interview with Cowboys & Aliens star Brendan Wayne here!
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  4. Will you be posting something on Face book about the Electric Factory Event on Nov. 4th? I can't find your Face book page.


  5. Anon: Thanks for letting me know about this event--I didn't know it was happening! I'll definitely mention it soon. My Facebook page can be found on the link to the right of the blog.
