Monday, October 1, 2012

Countdown to Halloween 2012 Opening Ceremonies


Hello everyone to the 2012 Countdown to Halloween! I've been waiting for this year's Countdown since the end of last year's Countdown. It's an absolute blast to bring you the best spooky, scary, and silly Halloween and horror-related material I can find for an entire month. Of course, I'm far from the only one doing it. Go to the official Countdown site to see all the blogs participating. Thanks, as always, to Countdown curators John Rozum, Shawn Robare, and Jon K for their hard work in gathering all the blog links, maintaining the main site, and creating the badges that appear on each participating blog. Without them, there would be no Countdown. Raise a pumpkin-flavored latte in their honor!

Many blogs will have a particular theme throughout the month--all vampires, all werewolves, etc., while others just post whatever cool stuff they can find--like me. As always, my first post of the month is a variety pack of weird, wild stuff just to get you into the mood. So, without further ado--

--let the Countdown to Halloween begin!


  1. Quite a kick off! Here's to an awesome October!

  2. That's a nice set of spooky stuff to kick it off man!

  3. Thanks guys! Looking forward to all of your offerings!

  4. Happy October...Happy Halloween Month! Looking forward to your posts. I'm running behind this year, so mine won't be as frequent...oh well, what can you do?! Enjoy the season ahead! :o)
