Friday, November 9, 2012

List O' Links for Week of 11/9/2012

I haven't done a List O' Links post in a long time, so it's time to rectify that. Here are a few links to keep you from getting work done this fine Friday!

For those looking forward to the holiday season, especially holiday music, SiriusXM satellite radio has announced their holiday channel lineup for 2012.

Do you think today's comics are an unreadable, sophomoric mess? Don't be such a cranky pants. The comics back in your day weren't always so great either. Case in point: the ridiculous Justice League lineup DC tried to pass off in the 1984 annual.

Chevy Chase has made quite a spectacle of himself with his frequent public battles with his bosses on the NBC comedy Community. However, he's had a very long track record of being, well, an a-hole.

Here's a casual perusal of the Fall Preview issue of my former employer, TV Guide, in the season of my birth, the fall of 1974. Anyone up for Sonny Bono as a solo act?

Finally, with the new James Bond flick drawing everyone to the multiplexes in the US this weekend, here is what fans have long needed--a scientific chart of his sexual exploits.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Fun stuff. I am psyched that the Holiday music is almost about to start playing!

  2. I'm looking forward to the holiday music as well--old, new, and everything in-between!

  3. Sophomoric mess? Well...even at a distance, comics look on average about as good as they ever have, frankly, indeed. And, as someone who remembers the SONNY show, no one was much up for that...CHER fitfully more successful in continuing their mutual series alone, and then they were reunited as hosts for more fitful success.

  4. I agree on the comics; there have always been great, OK, and crappy comics from their inception to today. If only my fellow comics fans could get that and stop longing for "the good old days."

    Sonny always seemed like a better guy than he was an artist.
