Friday, March 15, 2013

List O' Links for Friday March 15, 2013

Faith and begorrah! It's St. Patrick's Day weekend, and whether you're Irish or not (I conveniently am), raise a pint this weekend (responsibly, of course). Before you do, enjoy this week's links!

The many looks of Lucky Charms cereal boxes over the years. Because there's no better way to celebrate Irish history and culture than eating marshmallows and cereal that have nothing to to do with Ireland.

If you need more 80s British pop in your musical diet, Level 42 can help you out with that.

Google announced that it's closing its Google Reader service later this year. Here's an alternative service you can start using now so you don't lose track of your favorite blogs (like mine)--Feedly.

Most people are aware of the demise of the most recent Robin in Batman comics thanks to the mainstream media coverage. In tribute, here are several photos of cosplayers paying tribute to all the Robins that have fought by Batman's side the last 70+ years.

Finally, remembering that my blog handle is about being a radio geek, here is a short Web tribute (in fine 1990s era Web design) to a legendary personality both in Philly and New York, "Jocko" Henderson.

Have a great weekend! Don't drink and drive!

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