Friday, May 24, 2013

List O' Links for Friday, May 24, 2013

Happy Memorial Day weekend! I hope you take the opportunity to enjoy your family and friends for an extra day, no matter where you're going or even if you're just staying home. Please take the time to remember those who sacrificed their lives in our wars, as this is why the day exists.

Here are this week's links!

Pop Rewind examines the start-up sounds of Microsoft Windows versions from the very beginning to today's Windows 8. Ah, technological memories!

I'm currently reading and enjoying the new book VJ: The Unplugged Adventures of MTV's First Wave, written by and about the first crew of MTV VJs. lists 32 facts about the VJs both from the book and new revelations.

The aptly named Network Awesome features a collection of vintage jeans TV commercials from the early 80s. Dig into your closet and put on your old Sergio Valentes!

Freeform FM radio station WFMU has a fantastic blog, featuring such treats as a tribute to the classic 1985 horror film Reanimator.

Finally, my friend Todd Mason at Sweet Freedom showcases some great covers of magazines appearing on newsstands in October 1978.

Have a great and safe holiday weekend!


  1. Why, thanks, is always surprised what might catch the eye of another.

  2. You're quite welcome Todd. I enjoyed seeing these great covers, a reminder of how rich a well-stocked newsstand was back in the glory days of print. The Internet is great, but it's not quite the same as perusing these physical creations lined up next to the newspapers and lifestyle mags.

  3. Well, the newsstands still groan under the weight of any number of magazines...I certainly do my part to keep the fiction magazines and the jazz magazines, and some of the leftist and science magazines, afloat...
