Monday, December 18, 2017

The Honeymooners, "Twas the Night Before Christmas"

One week to go. ONE. WEEK.

Don't panic, but do be sure you've tied up as many loose ends as possible. And when you rest at the end of this day, be sure to check out today's Christmas goodie--the Christmas episode of the 39-episode run of The Honeymooners!

In "Twas the Night Before Christmas," Ralph frets about his gift for Alice after a neighbor gets Alice the same gift Ralph did. He scrambles to get the money to get Alice the perfect gift, and Ralph waxes poetic about the joy of Christmas at the end of the episode. How sweet it is!



  1. Just watched this last week, via MeTV. Classic episode.

  2. I've missed every Christmas episode MeTV has shown on Sunday afternoons. I've just been too busy. Thank heaven for YouTube!
