Friday, December 21, 2018

December's Underappreciated Music: Peter Pan Records Christmas Music

Yikes, I've fallen behind on articles! I'm making it up with a great one. Today I offer this month's Underappreciated Music, and this month, it's some of my favorite Christmas recordings from Peter Pan Records!

Peter Pan was the king of children's music releases in the 70s and 80s, and I have a special fondness for their Christmas recordings. The following songs are all YouTube renderings of Peter Pan 45 RPM records that I still have in my collection!

Enjoy, and have a great last weekend before Christmas! Be safe, don't drink and drive!


  1. I had two of the label's albums ca. 1968. The PETER AND THE WOLF might still be kicking around in the LP might the HOOTENANNY album, both scratched to hell.

    Don't think I ever looked too hard for their releases by the time I started shopping for records for myself...wonder who owns their recordings now.

  2. Good question Todd. I'd like to think they're in hands that will reissue them, however unlikely that is.

  3. Quite the memories. I had that first one, not sure if it is still around somewhere. Listened to it A LOT!
