Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Classic Public Service Announcements from the 1980s

Welcome back everyone! Summer is over culturally if not astronomically, and it's time for everyone to get back to school, work, etc. It's best for us to put fun and frivolity aside and turn to more serious matters. One way to do this is by viewing these classic PSAs from the 80s, informing us how to take care of ourselves.

First up is possibly the most classic of all, demonstrating "your brain on drugs."

Not to be outdone, the following is also highly remembered--"I learned it by watching you!"

Even if you're sober, you'll want to make sure you're properly buckled in while driving. You don't want to be a dummy!

This is a good time to remind you not to take rides from strangers. McGruff the Crime Dog knows what he's talking about!

If we can get back to drugs--the prescription kind--make sure they're out of the reach of children. After all, they're not candy!

Finally, I realize these PSAs are too dark and serious. Let's go out on a lighter note with the help of Captain O.G. Readmore encouraging us to enjoy a good book!

Once again, welcome back from summer vacation, and I wish you all a great fall and remaining 2019. I plan on picking up the pace here at the blog this month, and starting October 1st, a certain countdown to a certain holiday rises from the grave again. Please stay tuned, we're going to have fun.



  1. I remember seeing most of these. But I must say, they had no impact whatsoever.

  2. Lady M: don't tell the Ad Council. They paid good money for those PSAs! :)
