Wednesday, October 23, 2019

ABC Weekend Special, "The Trouble With Miss Switch"

Most of the material I feature on the Countdown is collected weeks or even months beforehand. But once in awhile, I'll come across something during the season that is like a gift from the heavens.

This is one of those times.

Today I offer the animated special "The Trouble With Miss Switch," airing as an installment of the ABC Weekend Special. Based on the 1971 book of the same name, "Switch" is about a grade school substitute teacher, Miss Switch, who reveals herself as a witch to two precocious students. She enlists them to help her overthrow an evil witch who has taken control of a coven of benevolent witches.

I've looked for this special for years to no avail; out of the blue, without me even trying, the special fell into my lap by showing up on my YouTube front page. Thank you, Halloween blogging gods!


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