Monday, October 7, 2019

Gilligan's Island, "The Pigeon" (Or As I Call It, The One With the Giant Spider)

Welcome to Week 2 of the Countdown to Halloween 2019! We're just getting started!

Today I offer an episode of Gilligan's Island titled "The Pigeon." The castaways develop a pen pal relationship with a prisoner back in the States via carrier pigeon.

What does that have to do with Halloween?

Nothing--except that Gilligan and company also get trapped in a cave with a giant poisonous spider. It's a tenuous connection at best, but it's good enough for me!



  1. This episode stuck with me as a kid - that spider was scary stuff! Not so much anymore, but in memory it left a mark.

  2. Same for me, Joe! That spider creeped me out!

    Then again, how bad ass is that pigeon?
