Monday, October 21, 2019

Halloween TV Commercials 2019 Edition Part 2

Welcome to Week 4 of the Countdown to Halloween! I hope your season is going great!

Today I offer another round of Halloween TV commercials. This batch is even better than the last one!

First up, a McDonald's commercial debuting the inaugural edition of the Halloween Happy Pails! I wish I still had mine!

Next, the Frankenstein monster is revived not by lighting, but by a cold Heineken beer!

This is a cute, low budget commercial for Taco Bell, offering glow sticks with food purchases. I don't remember this commercial, but this is right from my era of childhood.

Going without chocolate Pop-Tarts for too long can turn anyone into a monster!

Frankenstein can use that Heineken he got in his last commercial to wash down a pack of Twix.

You should always be on guard when camping. You never know when an unknown creature may steal your Watchamacallit!

But you don't need to go camping to run into Creepy Crawlers--you can make your own!

Finally, Dracula "vants" to bite your finger--even if it's just with red markers like in this classic game!



  1. "I want to bite your finger" - what an interesting game.

  2. Lady M: I had totally forgotten about this game until this commercial came up the other day and it all came back to me. I never played it, but when I was really young I thought the game actually nicked your finger!

  3. Love them. Want to play the game again! And I have said it before, McD's should do a retro year where they offer the pails again - it would be the hit of the season!

  4. How did I miss " I want to bite your finger" as a game? I feel as if my tween years were seriously lacking!

  5. OFH: I would have been scared to play it because I was (am) such a chicken!
