Monday, October 10, 2022

Groovie Goolies, "Witches' Brew"


Welcome to Week 2 of the Countdown to Halloween! Let's not waste time and get right to it.

Today I offer an episode of the short-lived but fondly remembered animated series The Groovie Goolies. The Filmation-produced series aired as part of CBS's Saturday morning lineup during the 1970-1971 season, and features caricatures of famous monsters living together and performing in a rock band. Each episode was packed with music and comedy.

Here is a typical episode of the series titled "Witches' Brew." Enjoy!

Happy Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples' Day! For those in Canada, Happy Thanksgiving!


Caffeinated Joe said...

Have never gone back and rewatched any of these. Should use your post as an impetus to do just that!

Phillyradiogeek said...

This show was before my time, so this show is news to me, but I've heard a lot of good word about it!