Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Toys R Us Commercials, 1980 & 1981

This is a bit of an experiment. In lieu of longform blogging for the time being, I'll just share quick, text-free bits of fun until I can get things going. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 27, 2025

This Blog is Postponed

 Folks. Geez. I have so much going on it's not even funny. I won't be blogging any time soon, so please be patient, and thank you for following me all these years. I'll be back--eventually.

Until then, please follow me at all of these lovely social media sites, where I WILL be posting regularly.


Monday, December 9, 2024

Wonder Woman Episode 212, "The Deadly Toys"


Welcome on and all to the (tardy) start of the 2024 Countdown to Christmas! Sorry I'm late, but I'm ready to share great Christmas offerings with you this year. And to kick it off, I have a fun one--a Christmas episode of the 1970s Wonder Woman TV series starring Lynda Carter!

In "The Deadly Toys," a former military major is in cahoots with a deranged toymaker (Frank Gorshin having a blast) to substitute top scientists on a secret government project with android replicas, thereby allowing the major and toymaker to have control over the project. In comes Diana to the rescue, but not before she fights an android replica of herself!

Yep--big, dumb fun!

Enjoy! And yes, I know I included the Season 1 theme song before a Season 2 episode, but I like that version of the theme better, so there! :)

Monday, November 25, 2024

CBS airing of A Garfield Thanksgiving and Bugs Bunny's Thanksgiving Diet, November 22nd, 1989 With Commercials


Hello, everyone! I hope you're all having a wonderful November, a month that is a favorite of mine. It's the calm before the holiday storm, as well as a time of quiet reflection.

It's also a time to watch fun cartoons.

And that's what I have for you today: two Thanksgiving-related cartoon specials recorded off of live TV on November 22nd, 1989. The first is the debut (!) of A Garfield Thanksgiving, followed by the 1979 special Bugs Bunny's Thanksgiving Diet. And for you commercial fans--like me--the commercials that aired during those specials are included!

Enjoy the specials embedded below or directly at the Internet Archive here, and Happy Thanksgiving!

But wait, what's this?

The Countdown to Christmas is coming! Monday, December 2nd. Be there. HO HO HO!

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Happy Halloween 2024!


And just like that...HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

I feel the need to apologize: due to some goings-on in my personal life (job hunt, other stuff), I'm afraid my Countdown output was not as robust as I had planned this year. It wasn't due for lack of content, but time was just too little in supply this year. Be that as it may, I hope you enjoyed what I did share this year. We had a fair bit of Dracula than expected and a fair bit of comedy than expected, which was totally coincidental, but fun nonetheless.

Once again, I thank Dex of AEIOU...and Sometimes Why for running this year's Countdown, and completely solo at that. Thank you very much, Dex!

Have a great rest of the year, and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

And next up on our annual holiday cavalcade:

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

The Carol Burnett Show, "My Husband is Dracula"


We're approaching the frightening finish line of the season! Don't lose steam now!

Today I offer a clip from The Carol Burnett Show, titled on YouTube as "My Husband is Dracula," although the title of the sketch in the clip says "The Bat and the Beautiful." Either one works!

In this skit, Carol is indeed married to the famous bloodlusting count, but marriage to a vampire isn't all it's cracked up to be. Poor Carol!


Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Two Classic Cartoons: Spooks (1932) and Skeleton Frolic (1937)


I'ts early Friday evening, but it's still Friday, and here is my last post for the last full week of this year's Countdown.

Today I feature two very old cartoon shorts from the 1930s, Spooks by MGM (1932) and Skeleton Frolic from Columbia (1937). These rare cartoons are very reminiscent of classic Disney shorts such as The Haunted House and Skeleton Dance. I love seeing this old school animation. They truly don't make them like they used to.

Enjoy! Have a great last weekend before Halloween!