Sunday, September 17, 2023

My First Halloween Shopping Trip of the Season


Hello everyone! I hope you are getting back into the post-summer groove easily and smoothly.

October is less than two weeks away, and I'm sure you are already prepping for Halloween. I'm a late bloomer compared to most out there, as I don't start celebrating Halloween hardcore until October 1st. I'm a slacker, I know! But I did make a couple of shopping excursions for the big night, only one of which bore any fruit, but I'm happy with what I bought.

First up, a family-size box of Carmella Creeper (Walmart, $3). I still have plenty of Monster Cereal I didn't eat from last year, but I couldn't pass up the first new Monster Cereal character since Fruity Yummy Mummy in the 80s. I've heard mixed reviews on the cereal, but I enjoy caramel apple flavor, so I'm looking forward to trying this next month. Until then, I need to eat last year's cereal!

Next up, a 3-DVD collection of Beetlejuice, Gremlins, and Gremlins 2: The New Batch in a new glow-in-the-dark slipcase (Walmart, $9.96). Even though I already have Gremlins on a VHS tape my wife bought me 20 years ago, and I have Beetlejuice on a not-so-great dubbed VHS tape from the late 80s, I thought the DVD upgrade was worth it, especially since I don't have Gremlins 2 in any format. Plus, the entire collection was less than $10. The new slipcase was just a fun bonus!

Next, a pair of skeleton gloves (Dollar General, $2). My wife bought a skeleton costume from Target on clearance last year, and I thought these gloves would complement it. They're a bit snug, but they'll do.

Finally, the pièce de résistance: a very cheap, off-model Michael Myers mask (Dollar General, $8). It's made of vinyl, it's only a half mask, and the hair is also vinyl, but considering how many bad Michael Myers masks there are out there, if I'm going to buy one, I'd rather pay $8 than $20 or more for one.

In a separate outing, and without even looking for it, I found a bottle of Fanta's foray into the "mystery soda flavor" gimmick, What The Fanta? (Wawa, 2 20 oz bottles for $4). I got the zero sugar version, and the artificial sweetener seemed to throw off what the intended taste should be, so I have no guesses, just something fruity. I want to try the sugar version for a better taste test.

So, what do you think? Is this a decent Halloween haul for my first trip of the season? It's still early, so I plan on doing more scary shopping in the coming weeks. If I find more good stuff, I'll share it with you.
And remember, the Countdown to Halloween starts here at the blog on Sunday, October 1st!



Tom said...

I have yet to crack open my Carmella Creeper box, but I did taste some via the Monster Mash Remix cereal this year which I enjoyed. I'm slacking as well, but same as you, I tend to not start decorating/celebrating until October 1st. Getting close though. I need to start thinking about what I'm doing for the Countdown this year.

Todd Mason said...

I was impressed that the local Wegman's had the H-bagged candy out at mid-August. But, then, the third or even second-most grocery-laden holiday of the year, behind, I assume, T-day and Xmas in the States...possibly the Super Bowl is coming up fast.

Phillyradiogeek said...

Tom, I'm looking forward to your posts this year!

Todd, the next five months must be the biggest grocery months of the year. One big event day right after the other, and all of them heavily dependent on food!