Friday, December 22, 2023

The Gathering, Christmas TV-Movie starring Ed Asner (1977)


Here we are, my last Christmas post before the big day! And today I have a sobering but untimately life-affirming film for you.

The Gathering is a TV-movie produced by Hanna-Barbera (!) and stars Ed Asner as an embittered husband, father, and businessman who re-enters his family's lives after walking out on them many years ago, seeking reconciliation for his actions before he dies of a terminal illness. Maureen Stapleton plays Asner's estranged wife, who urges the rest of the family to forgive Asner for his bitter ways. Originally airing on ABC TV on December 4th, 1977, the film also stars Gregory Harrison, Bruce Davison, Veronica Hamel, James Karen (the Pathmark guy!), and John Randolph (Clark Griswold's father from Christmas Vacation!), among others.

Unfortunately, the YouTube channel administrator doesn't allow embedding for their videos, so please watch the movie directly on YouTube here.

Enjoy! I'll have more holiday-themed stuff for you next week.


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