Thursday, October 29, 2020

Siskel and Ebert review Halloween (1978)


The late Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert were the leading movie critics of their day for most of America. When they voiced their opinions, people listened, even if they didn't agree with the men.

One film both Siskel & Ebert and the public agreed on--Halloween was an awesome movie!

Here, Gene and Roger praise the film for being a scary movie that doesn't treat its characters as simple fodder for the villain. They appreciate the film's artistry and craft, making for a horror film far above so much of the grindhouse releases of the time. Siskel and Ebert recognize Halloween as a true cut above the rest!

Just for fun, here is Halloween's trailer. Who would have guessed it would become the movie that defined the scary part of the holiday for decades to come!

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