Wednesday, August 13, 2008

J. Caleb Mozzoco on the work of Raymond Briggs

Freelance writer J. Caleb Mozzocco writes the comics blog Every Day Is Like Wednesday, which is linked to in my blog list. This morning he published a post about writer and artist Raymond Briggs, author of books that were adapted into animation, The Snowman and Where the Wind Blows. In his article, Mozzocco lists how Briggs' work, although not usually comsidered to be comics, in fact are just that. Here is the great article:

I've never encountered Briggs' work in their original book form, but I'm now putting it on my list at my next library visit. Thanks Caleb!

Both of the above mentioned adaptations have been featured at my blog previously and can be found here:

See you this weekend at the Saturday Matinee!

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