Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

My final post of the 2007 holiday season; my final post of all of 2007, for that matter. I started this blog back on October 30th, and I've had an absolute blast sharing all of this great material with you. Since the blog's inception, almost every post has been related to a holiday, be it Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas (or other). With the start of a new year upon us, I will be branching out of that small niche to bring you all kinds of great things on all kinds of subjects. Thanks to everyone that has given my blog a look the past two months, and I hope you continue to stop by throughout 2008 and beyond.

To ring out the old and ring in the new, here is one final Christmas clip, a unique take on "The 12 Days of Christmas" (sent in by friend Todd Mason):

Second, the happiest New Year's Day song ever--by U2. Well, maybe not the happiest, but it's a New Year's song.

Finally, count down to midnight amongst the company of Rhoda Morgenstern:

To everyone, I wish a year of health, happiness, and love.

Happy New Year!

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