Friday, June 12, 2020

Dick Tracy Special (2010)

Our fifth and final day of Dick Tracy Week brings us an item that is actually related to the 1990 Dick Tracy movie that inspired this week!

This is a half-hour special that aired in 2010 for the 20th anniversary of the movie's release, in which Warren Beatty, in character as Dick Tracy, is interviewed by movie critic Leonard Maltin. The only reason for this special's existence is for Beatty to retain the rights to the character, which is odd considering that Beatty seemingly hasn't attempted to make additional Tracy movies that I know of. But hey, as a fan of the movie, I'll take any Tracy material I can get.

I learned of this special's existence via the pop culture blog The Retroist. Check out their article on this special here.

That's it! If you enjoyed Dick Tracy Week, please let me know in the comments.

Have a great weekend!