Monday, November 15, 2021

Thanksgiving Parade Balloons Gone Awry


Thanksgiving Day is less than two weeks away, and if you're like me, you enjoy watching a parade to start the holiday season, most likely the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City. One of the most enjoyed spectacles in the parade are the many giant balloons that float through the city in grand fashion. While they may be a lot of fun to watch, they haven't always been the most, shall be way, durable parade attractions. The following photos demonstrate exactly what I mean!

This Mighty Mouse balloon from the '50s--not so mighty!

Bart Simpson may be known for being a cut up, but here, he is quite cut up himself!

Poor Kermit! I'm afraid here he's Gone With The Schwinn! (Points to you if you get the reference.)

McDonald's put marketing featuring Ronald McDonald on the shelf the past several years because so many people are creeped out by clowns. This photo of a low-flying Ronald ready to attack parade goers doesn't do the character any favors!

I don't even know who this dinosaur character is, but he looks extinct!

UPDATE AS OF NOVEMBER 16: Blog reader top_cat_james informs me in the comments that this is Rex the Dinosaur from the 1993 movie We're Back: A Dinosaur's Story. Thanks James!

Speaking of dinosaurs, no dinosaur or any other character in the parade may have suffered more than Barney. The photo is bad enough, but the video is even more chilling!

Yes, Thanksgiving parades aren't always pretty, but I can't imagine the big day without them. I look forward to them every year. However you spend Thanksgiving, I hope it's a happy and blessed one!



top_cat_james said...

That's Rex the Dinosaur from We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story (1993). Apparently, the balloon had much in common with the movie it was derived from--Both fizzled out quickly, and were immediately forgotten.

Phillyradiogeek said...

Thanks James! I thought it kind of looked familiar, so I figured it was from some obscure movie or something. :)

Caffeinated Joe said...

Feel bad for all the work that went in to them for that to happen on the big day!