Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Halloween TV Commercials 2023 Edition!


Hello again! Today's post is a Countdown perennial: it's time for this year's batch of Halloween TV Commercials! I post at least one round of spooky-themed commercials each and every year. Commercials are one of the earliest signs that a holiday or season is around the corner, so I think posting several Halloween-like commercials early in the Countdown sets the mood for the whole month. Let's get to it!

First up, this rad commercial for Hallmark's Halloween fare from 1987. I love the old school GCI graphics on this one. Very 80s!

Next up, Casper The Friendly Ghost helps Target welcome shoppers to their stores in 1991!

Who is Mr. Fright? I have no idea, but he had a local 976 number here in the Philly area in the 80s, as can be deduced from this commercial. No other details are available, and I have no memory of this guy whatsoever. But he seems cool!

Goodwill is always a popular and inexpensive way to create a great homemade costume. Visit your local store today! This commercial aired in central Texas in 2014.

Pharmacies have long been Halloween necessity destinations, and Walgreens is no exception. Check out their offerings in this commercial from 1992!

I believe I've featured this next commercial before, but this is a much better copy. Enjoy this delightful commercial from the 70s for the Weebles Haunted House!

I'm sure every kid who had this was considered the coolest kid on their block. From 1984, it's Play-Doh's Count Creepyhead!

Finally, I can't believe I haven't featured this commercial until now, as this ran pretty extensively during the 80s. Here is a commercial for the king of all Halloween candies, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, featuring a generous but misunderstood Frankenstein!

I hope you enjoyed those. Stay tuned this Friday for a movie presentation. Thanks!


Jamie Ghione said...

I loved the Target and Walgreens commercials. I had to stela them! Both came out before either store was in my hometown, which may bee why neither seemed familiar to me.

Phillyradiogeek said...

Thanks Jamie! Feel free to take any commercials you'd like :)

Tom said...

I love watching old Halloween commercials. Do they even make Halloween-themed commercials anymore? I haven't watched network tv in decades (and in the rare case I do, I DVR and skip the commercials).

Phillyradiogeek said...

Tom: Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and KitKats have Halloween commercials every year, Party City usually has one, and I believe I saw one other commercial this year for something, but that's about it.

This is a commercial that is playing on TV heavily right now:

Caffeinated Joe said...

Great bunch! Weeble Haunted House is a core memory for sure. Never heard of Mr. Fright, tho.

Joeskull said...

Here's a Target commercial from 2000.

Joeskull said...

Targert Halloween 2000

Phillyradiogeek said...

Joeskull: Yep, I like that one! I featured that one several years ago in one of my collections. Target used to be a great job with their Halloween marketing.