Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Disney's Haunted Halloween, 1983 Educational Film


During this time of year, media are always recounting the same Halloween safety tips year after year. Trick-or-treat with friends, wear reflective costumes so cars can see you, etc. Kids have been beaten over the head with these tips for a hundred years. But here are the same tips presented with fun.

Today I feature Halloween safety tips as told with classic spooky Disney animation. Disney's educational film division made this back in 1983, likely for distribution in schools, libraries, and other kid-friendly venues. The film features clips from such Disney classics as The Headless Horseman, "Trick or Treat" featuring Donald Duck and his nephews, Disney's Haunted Mansion, and other great spooky Disney fare.

A shout-out is necessary to my Twitter friend The Haunted Drive-In, purveyor of great Halloween and other coolness, for uploading this film to YouTube. Check out his channel here for more awesome videos.


1 comment:

Caffeinated Joe said...

Awesome video! All the feels, as the kids say. ;)